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The life of a girl child in India faces a lot of struggles. Right from fighting for the right to life, followed by education and other basic amenities. According to a report by UNICEF, India is the only large country in the world where more girl babies die than boy babies. The gender differential in child survival is currently 11 percent. The scenario may worsen as you move to the rural and more underdeveloped parts of the country. Girls become a victim of child marriage, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment. For instance, 13-year-old Ashika (name changed to protect identity) was sexually assaulted by a 35-year-old man who lived on the same street as her family. The incident left Ashika with a deep emotional scar, and she became reclusive and didn’t eat.
Protecting and helping a girl child requires change at the grassroots. Communities and families need to be more accepting and encouraging to build a safer space for their daughters. Organizations like World Vision India work relentlessly to help girl children. They also run several child sponsorship programs that enable you to contribute to educate a child,
sponsor a child, and aiding community development in dire areas of the country.
Read More: How Can We Help Girl Child?